Scenario Planning Along Urban Corridors in Brazil

K Stiphany, N Brigmon, K Larson, T Marcussi, L Perez, J Sowell (2019) Participatory Scenario Planning: A Redevelopment Proposal for São Paulo’s Tamanduateí Corridor. The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference. October 23 –27, 2019. Greenville, South Carolina.

As Brazilian cities promote the redevelopment of high growth corridors, adjacent informal settlements are at risk for displacement. To mitigate these dynamics, this project develops a scenario planning method that extends a civic data project into models for the infill redevelopment of the Tamanduateí industrial corridor in São Paulo, Brazil, within what is known as the Operação Urbana Bairros do Tamanduateí (OUCBT). This method is illustrated here through the establishment of middle range planning boundaries (travessas), travessa-specific programming, community design principles, and housing and ecosystems services strategies. Taken together, these components provide one way to rethink how scenario planning might reshape social and spatial inequalities in cities. See (publications) for versions in English and Portuguese.

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